?Tony Sticker


?Tony Sticker

Location of Plaque 2015

Great Lakes Towing Company, Cleveland, OH

Tugboat America

?Tony Sticker

[Unable to identify the name on this damaged plaque. A "Tony Sticker" registered for the draft on 9/12/1918, but no additional military or civilian records were found for him, nor for his stated next of kin Katherina Sticker. A "Franz Sticker" registered for the draft on the same day as Tony Sticker, but subsequent records indicated that he survived World War I. The following information is for Tony Sticker.]

Birth: 9/19/1879; Italy

Address: 11217 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, OH

Demographics: age 39 at draft registration; Caucasian; marital status not indicated; citizenship status non-declarant alien; occupation Laborer at Great Lakes Towing Company, Jefferson St., Cleveland, OH. (Great Lakes Towing Co. was founded in 1899 and was fully operational on the Great Lakes in 1900 with 150 tugboats. Located on the Cuyahoga River at the foot of the Jefferson Bridge. Services included vessel towing, marine salvage and ice breaking. Still in existence.)

Draft Date/Enlistment Date/Rank: Draft date 9/12/1918; enlistment and rank not known

Service Number: not known

Deployment: not known

Action: not known

Death: not known

Burial: not known

Next of Kin: Katherina Sticker

Additional Information: "Left hand little finger gone"